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GTA IV classified to contain “masturbation, fellatio and intercourse”

The roads leading to censorship are a funny thing. It goes without saying that Rockstar will push the boundaries of what is consider an “M” rated game with the release of Grand Theft Auto IV.

In fact, the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) seemingly has created new descriptors to define the content of the game. There is only so much room on the game packaging for ESRB info, so the board had to compress and combine the various descriptors it uses in its rating scheme.

Along with the “M” rating will be the description, “Partial Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol, Blood, and Intense Violence.” Such concepts surely enrapture a 12-year old, but hopefully parents will be responsible for their children’s activities.

Taking a look back on Rockstar’s past high-profile game, one may wonder if GTA IV would be able to get past the BBFC, Britain’s classification board for media. The BBFC recently established a reputation for being strict on such content, denying the sale of Manhunt 2.

Pleasantly surprising GTA fans and Rockstar, the BBFC has cleared Grand Theft Auto IV for release, uncut. Perhaps even more surprising is Germany and Australia’s approval of the game. It almost appears as though Niko slipped the ratings boards’ bouncers a c-note to waltz right in.

On the topic of ratings, the BBFC’s classification offers a small preview of what mature gamers will be playing in GTA IV.

“Sex references also occur during cut scenes, including references to strong sexual behaviour,” states the BBFC classification, reported by VideoGamer. “During gameplay the character can pick up prostitutes… What follows is an un-detailed portrayal of masturbation, fellatio and intercourse. The character can also visit lap dancing clubs and request a private dance. While the game contains sexualised dancing and the portrayal of sex, there is no sexualised nudity.”

Sounds just like the GTA that fans have been long waiting for.

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